Salon: Footage of a project documenting the installment of 3-D plastic printers in war-torn villages in Sudan for injured victims to learn to make their own prosthetic limbs.
Oscar-nominated filmmaker Adrian Belic (often working with his brother Roko Belic as Wadi Rum Productions) was born in America of Czechoslovakian and Yugoslavian parents and grew up in Chicago (Evanston), but spent many summers behind the “Iron Curtain” in Eastern Europe with family and friends. This unique cross-cultural upbringing sparked his curiosity about the way people view each other and the world around them. Listening late into the night to captivating stories from remarkable people both in the States and overseas drew him into the art of storytelling.
He began making films in elementary school with his childhood friend Christopher Nolan (writer / director Memento, (2001), Insomnia (2002)) and his brother Roko. They continued do so through high school and college, Adrian having graduated from University of Southern California in 1993 with a BS degree in Political Science and a minor in International Relations.
WadiRum Productions was formed in 1995 to make GENGHIS BLUES, winner of the 1999 Sundance Audience Award, as well as a 2000 Academy Award Nomination for Best Feature Documentary. They have since made the documentaries BEYOND THE CALL, shot in Afghanistan and Asia about three Americans who travel to the world’s war zones delivering lifesaving humanitarian aid (, TWILIGHT MEN, a journey to the hidden sages of the Himalayas, and HAPPY, a globe-wide look into the science of happiness. All have received wild acclaim.
Adrian is a member of the Film Arts Foundation, Francisco Film Society, and the International Documentary Association. He continues to speak and write about filmmaking, as well as teaching and serving on juries at film festivals.
[Annie's favorite story of his is the miraculous tale of how his father disappeared 200 miles from his destination while